Special offer at Charmouth Road Car Park

from 1st July 2024

Monmouth Beach Car Park Lyme Regis

  • This car park can be found in the west of the town down Cobb Road just off Pound Street (A3052).
  • The car park is designated "Short Stay" and has a post code of DT7 3LE  (But DT7 3JN is more accurate)
  • It has the location code of 7621 if you are planning to pay on your phone.
  • Charges apply daily to 9 p.m. (but between November and April it is free in the evenings after 6 p.m.)
  • A section of this car park is known as Cabanya Car Park and you are advised to pay in the correct machine for your section.

Finding Monmouth Beach Car Park

Monmouth Beach Car Park | Lyme Regis

This car park is found by taking the turning down Cobb Road off the main A3052 road that runs through Lyme Regis. This turning is next to Holmbush Car Park and easily missed.

As you enter Lyme Regis from the west on the A3052 and start to descent the hill you will see a rather grand building that looks like a tower with a pitched roof. (Coram Tower) . The entrance to Holmbush Car Park may be seen on the right, and Cobb Road is just after it.

If you are coming from Uplyme then at the top of the High Street as you enter Lyme Regis turn sharp right where the shops start in earnest and then look for the car park on the left near the tower and thus the turning to Cobb Road just before it.

Coming in from the east pass through the traffic lights in the town centre and up the high street. At the fork bear left, so staying on the A3052, and the road down to the car park is on the left just before the tower and before the entrance to Holmbush Car Park.

It should be noted that towards the bottom of Cobb Road on the right is the very small and not always open Undercliffe (Private) Car Park.

How much does it cost to park at Monmouth Beach Car Park

charges for Monmouth Beach car park

The Car Park is operated by Lyme Regis Town Council, as are more of the car parks in Lyme Regis. 

The cost to park is £1.60 per hour. 

There is no height restriction on the entrance.

From here it is a fairly level walk to the town centre along the sea front.

More information about the car park

Charmouth Road Car Park Lyme Regis Machine

The car park is open twenty four hours a day and parking is free at certain times, notably evenings and overnight (see picture above). 

There are several other small private car parks in this area, make sure you are in the council run one! It runs along the front nearest the beach but there is a small area to the right at the far end which is also part of this car park.

No overnight camping/sleeping.

The Car Park has 200 spaces.

Solo Motorcycle parking is free and there is a designated area for bike parking near the entrance against the beach huts which must be used, or charges apply.

Disabled badge holders must pay at the normal rate. 

There are options to pay be cash or card on via the JustPark App. 

Getting in to The Town from Monmouth Beach Car Park

Holmbush Car Park disabled parking

It is a level walk along the promenade from the car park, and for this reason this is a very popular place to park. 

The car park is also near three pubs and various cafés etc. 

You need to be early to find a space here.


Some general shots taken around the car park - click to enlarge and read as required.

Monmouth Beach Car Park Lyme Regis 1
Monmouth Beach Car Park Lyme Regis 2
Monmouth Beach Car Park Lyme Regis 3
Monmouth Beach Car Park Lyme Regis 4
Monmouth Beach Car Park Lyme Regis 5
Monmouth Beach Car Park Lyme Regis 6
Make sure you are in the right car park!

Lyme Regies Town Council Web Site